Friday, November 29, 2019

What to Do After You Dont Get a Promotion

What to Do After You Dont Get a versetzungWhat to Do After You Dont Get a PromotionWhats the best way to handle asituationwhere you apply for a versetzung, and you dont land that new job? Its not easy to ask for a promotion or a raise at work, regardlessofwhether you formally interview for a position or simply inquire during a conversation with your manager. Its terrific if you get it, but what happens if youre passed over and your request is declined? Being passed over for a promotion- particularly when you feel like you deserved it, or if someone you believe is less qualified receives one- can be demoralizing and discouraging. notenzeichen One thing to keep in mind is that this decision isnt necessarily personal or a reflection of the level of work youre doing for the company. Sometimes, decisions are the result of budget limitations, office politics, staffing levels, or other factors. Its a gutsy, ambitious move to ask for a promotion- and although its not always the case, you may find yourself rewarded with valuable feedback and new opportunities that will ultimately further your career. 6 Things to Do After You Dont Get Promoted Here are six things to do after you ask for, but do not receive, a promotion 1.Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings If you need some time to wallow and complain, thats understandable. Your feelings are legitimate, and totally justifiable. Being passed over for a promotion is disappointing. And, if you had to interview for a position, its also time-consuming. Give yourself some time to process all ofyour emotions. Tell a friend, perhaps, and let that person buy you a drink and listen to your story. 2.Assess Your Own Request for a Promotion You may also want to think through whats behind your feelings, whatever they may be. Would this promotion have been your dream job, or just a better title? Or is your disappointment due to not getting a salary bump or positive feedback? Self-assessment can help you think through your next steps If youre happy with the type of work youre doing, but want more money, it may make more sense for you to switch companies.If the promotion would have required you to have new, different skills that you want to develop, you might look for ways to add those skills to your toolbox. Finally, try to look at the situation from an outsiders point of view. Did you deserve the promotion? If youre doing the work thats in your current job description- but arent going above and beyond- it may make sense why you didnt get promoted. And, if you asked in an entitled way and did not provide a solid case for why you merit a promotion, that might be a clue as to why you did not get it. 3.Be Professional at Work If you want to complain, cry, or whine, do it with your friends and family. At work, and in conversations with your manager, do your best to keep things professional. If you have an in-person conversation with a manager where you hear the news, be polite in response. You might want to say, Thank you for considering me. Tip This situation has the potential to be awkward for everyone, and your graceful response will be appreciated. 4.Request Feedback From Your Manager In the days following the news, try to reach out to your manager or other higher-ups involved in the decision to see if they can offer feedback about why you didnt get the promotion. Find out what you can do to make yourself eligible for one in the future. Its possible that youll just receive unhelpful platitudes in response. Often, people are uncomfortable sharing critiques. But, its also possible youll get actionable insight. Maybe youre missing a core skill that you can get through taking a class or volunteering for a new project. Or perhaps your work in one particular area needs improvement. Tip If you find that the feedback is vague, you may try asking specific questions, such as, Is there a specific skill youd like me to work on? 5.Resist the Urge to Make Comparisons If you dont get the promotion and a co lleague does, it can be particularly hard to cope. Resist urges to make comparisons to others around you. This wont get you any closer to a promotion and will make you seem petty if you bring it up to your manager. 6.Plan Your Career Strategy Do you get the sense that a promotion might be in the cards for you at a future date, or does it seem more likely that youll always be passed over at this company? If its the latter, it might make sense to refresh your resume and begin a job search. Even if its the former, you might want to establish a time frame for making changes thatwill make a promotion more likely,thenset a date for when you want to meet with your manager again and make the request.

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